The head of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) urged the public to make an effort to observe Earth Day on April 22 to help reduce carbon emissions. Winston Dang called for people to turn off their lights for one hour during the international event.
CO2 emissions can be reduced by 0.25 kg for every person who turns off their lights. The participation of one million people would result in CO2 emissions being reduced by 250,000 kg, which is the quantity of CO2 absorbed by more than 20,000 trees in one year, according to Dang.

"We hope to make the one-day activity more frequent in the future," he said.

"It is necessary to begin the movement with public institutions," he went on, adding that the EPA has already begun to save natural resources by turning off its lights for an hour each day, banning the use of paper cups and limiting the use of elevators.

He also encouraged people to buy food produced locally, to stop using disposable tableware and to avoid purchasing goods with too much packaging.

The EPA also launched a Web site on Earth Day, providing information about the event, as well as suggestions on saving energy.

"Although Taiwan is not a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, we can still do our best to reduce the effects of global warming," said Dang.

to reduce (v.) 減少;降低
You should reduce the amount of junk food you eat if you want to lose weight.

quantity (n.) 數量;分量
The large quantity of Web sites on the Internet is starting to have an impact on the quality of information.

to absorb (v.) 吸收
Anna wiped the kitchen counter with a sponge, which absorbed the water she had spilled.

frequent (adj.) 經常的;頻繁的
Wayne makes frequent trips to Hong Kong for business purposes.

to limit (v.) 限制;限定
Parents tend to limit the amount of TV their children watch to urge them to focus on their homework.

disposable (adj.) 用完即丟的;可自由使用的
We were caught in the rain without umbrellas, so our best option was to buy disposable raincoats.

signatory (n.) 簽署國;簽字者
As a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has the right to develop nuclear technology for generating electricity.

to turn off lights 關燈
Peggy made sure she turned off the lights and locked the windows before leaving her house.

carbon emissions 二氧化碳排放
Biking to work is a conscious choice I have made to join the global effort to reduce carbon emissions.

natural resources 自然資源;天然資源
Instead of relying on imports, we should use the natural resources that are already abundant in our country.

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